The truth about this market 🤨
Demand is VERY strong and supply is VERY low.
If you are scouring real estate listings every morning looking for that perfect for you home, but you have a house to sell, we need to talk.
The answer to whether or not you have to sell before you start to look at houses depends on ONE THING: Your finances.
In this market, selling your home cannot be an afterthought if you are serious about snagging a new home.
The number one thing to figure out is this: Do you need to sell your current house in order to buy (and secure a loan) for a new house?
If the answer is no, then you can definitely start looking at houses before you put your house on the market.
If the answer is yes, then we’ll want to put your home search on hold until your house has an accepted offer.
In a competitive market, sellers are able to be more selective on the offer they accept because it’s not unlikely that they receive more than one. If you have a house to sell and you include that as a contingency in your offer, your offer won’t be attractive to the sellers.
If you want to figure out the answer to “Can you afford to buy a house before you sell your current one?” reach out to me so we can connect and I’ll set you up with one of my recommended lenders!
*PS: Even if you “think” you can afford to carry both mortgages, you’ll want to make sure it is possible from a financing perspective before you make any moves!
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